Home National & International NewsMOHFW news Health Minister warns to be more cautious as reports of new Covid variant surface

Health Minister warns to be more cautious as reports of new Covid variant surface

by Medically Speaking Team
union health minister covid

According to many sources, Chinese experts have warned of a probable viral variation connected to the outbreaks in the idle East in 2012 and 2015. The previous virus was revealed to be related to SARS-CoV-2. NeoCoV, a novel so-called variant that is now being debated, was identified in a South African bat population. So yet, only these animals have been found to be infected with NeoCoV.

According to the researchers that discovered NeoCoV, it might spread in a similar way to the SARS-CoV-2-causing Covid-19, but with a greater transmission rate. According to some publications, NeoCoV is not a “new” variety, but rather a previously identified one. Experts, on the other hand, have advised people to be vigilant and not be panicked.

Also, the numbers of COVID-19 cases are seeing a downward trend, the government warned against complacency on Saturday. Even though active COVID cases and positivity rates have decreased in most states in the recent two weeks, health minister Mansukh Mandaviya warned in a meeting on Saturday that there is still a need to remain watchful and not let their guard down.

The Union Health Minister on Saturday said, “The fight against Covid is a joint effort and joint responsibility of the Centre and the states, and I am happy that we have faced this public health challenge with a collaborative spirit.”

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