Home Monkeypox 2103 Monkeypox Cases In 42 Countries: WHO

2103 Monkeypox Cases In 42 Countries: WHO

by Medically Speaking Team

As we reach the second month of the pandemic, 42 nations have reported cases of monkeypox. As the illness spreads swiftly across countries, officials are investigating every suspected case to determine who is at danger. Health experts are concerned about the potential risk to vulnerable groups, such as tiny children and pregnant women.

While the effects of the monkeypox virus on pregnant women are not fully understood, WHO has issued a statement that says, “limited data suggest that infection may lead to adverse outcomes for the foetus or newborn infant and for the mother.”

Many Other Vulnerable Groups At Risk Of Monkeypox Infection

The present danger to the general population, according to the World Health Organization, is minimal. Health workers are at risk if they come into touch with a case without wearing the required personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent transmission; while the risk of health-care-associated diseases has not been reported in this outbreak, it has been described in the past.

Also Read: WHO removes difference between endemic and non-endemic nations to bolster fight against Monkeypox

According to the World Health Organization, if monkeypox spreads to and among more vulnerable groups, it has the potential to have a greater health impact, as the risk of severe disease and mortality is known to be higher in immunocompromised individuals, such as those with poorly treated HIV infection.

Monkeypox Spread To Over 40 Countries

According to the most recent WHO update, 42 countries have reported 2,103 illnesses in areas where monkeypox is not generally recorded, with Europe accounting for 85 percent of cases. According to the most recent statistics, one person has died as a result of monkeypox. WHO warns all countries to be on the lookout for monkeypox symptoms. Some individuals may have sexually transmitted infections, which should be evaluated and treated as necessary.

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