Home Doctor NewsDermatology Dry skin troubling you? here is what you need to know

Dry skin troubling you? here is what you need to know

by Medically Speaking

Although the winter is cold and dry, we need still be conscious of the changes that our skin goes through so that we can take better care of it. In this weather, it is typical to experience dry skin, eczemas, rashes, and allergies. Patients who also suffer from comorbid conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, etc. may experience these problems to a greater extent.

Dr. Sneha Ghunawat, consultant dermatologist, cosmetologist, director, and co-founder of Meraki Skin Clinic in Gurugram, advised keeping in mind the following suggestions to avoid having extremely dry skin in the winter:

1. Cleansers: For your skin, use gentle, soap-free cleansers. They are gentle on the skin and do not strip it of its protective oil layer. Face washing is a little more abrasive. Because there are stronger foaming agents present, they lather up more. Especially during the winter, these compounds might cause skin dryness.

2. Moisturization: When discussing how to treat dryness in the winter, the need of a good quality, thick moisturiser cannot be understated. Since creams are thicker and more suited for winters than lotions, choose them instead. Oils are a fantastic option because they are effective emollients as well. Pre-bathing oiling can aid in retaining moisture and maintaining moisturised, smooth skin. Good options include coconut oil, avocado oil, and sesame seed oil. One minute after taking a shower, when the skin is still somewhat damp, apply a thick coating of moisturiser. The skin is more moisturised as a result of this treatment.

3. Refrain from taking lengthy hot water showers: While we like taking a relaxing hot water shower, we must remember that hot water destroys the skin’s protective oil layer, leaving it harsh and dry.

In order to prepare your skin for the big day, Dr. Sravya C. Tipirneni, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, and Trichologist at Manipal Hospitals in Bangalore, addressed the skincare concerns of those worried about a winter wedding. The following is the ideal winter-proof solution for your skin:

1. Cleanse properly: Healthy skin may be attained by using a great cleanser (followed by a toner), but don’t overdo it. Because excessive cleaning can strip the skin of its natural moisturisers.

2. Remove the dryness by moisturising: For normal to dry skin, petroleum/cream-based moisturisers work better than lotions. Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, it might be wise to use a moisturiser free of scent and lanolin! Apply the moisturiser immediately to your damp skin after showering to assist it trap moisture on the surface.

3. Limit the use of hot water and soap: If you frequently get “winter itch,” try a fast lukewarm shower or bath with a cleanser that is not based on detergent and does not irritate the skin (do NOT forget to moisturise immediately after).

4. Fill in the gaps: In addition to your face, your lips, feet, and hands all require your love and attention. Use a lip balm and moisturiser with a petroleum basis to stop chapping and cracking.

5. Avoid tanning in the winter: If you want to spend a lot of time outside, use sunscreen with a UV protection factor of 15 or higher.

6. Check your vitamin D levels: As winter approaches, the amount of time you spend exposed to natural sunshine reduces, which has an impact on your vitamin D levels. Taking vitamin supplements may be quite beneficial for your skin.

7. Increase humidity in your surroundings: Dry air tends to rob your skin of moisture; in these situations, room humidifiers might seem like a godsend!

8. Speak with a dermatologist: This is especially important if you have persistently dry, itchy, or scaling skin. Additionally, the earlier you treat any skin problems you may be having before your big day, the better.

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